Travel Guides Crafted by Experienced Archaeologists & Historians

Thoth in Basalt in the National Museum of Archaeology, Taranto

The museum in Taranto, Museo Nazionale Archeologico di Taranto, is one of the finest national museums in Italy. Particularly well known for its collection of artefacts from the time when the city was colonised by the Dorians from Sparta. For anyone interested in the Greek colonies of the Mediterranean, the new displays are a must. But as with many museums around the world, included in the collection is an exquisite statue of Thot in the form of a baboon, one of the ancient Egyptian deities.

An ancient Egyptian carving of a baboon in very dark green basalt that is a representation of the deity Thoth.

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National Archaeology Museum of Taranto

Founded in the 19th century, with a major renovation ending in 2016, the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Taranto is one of the finest national museums in Italy. Beautifully displayed is an astonishing collection of artefacts, from Palaeolithic figurines found in nearby caves to numerous artefacts from the Roman period of the area. For anyone interested in the subject of Magna Grecia, and the colonisation of Italy by the Greeks, the collection of Apulian ceramics is truly spectacular and will not disappoint!

Archaeology Travel Writer

Thomas Dowson

With a professional background in archaeology and a passion for travel, I founded Archaeology Travel to help more people explore our world’s fascinating pasts. Born in Zambia, I trained as an archaeologist at the University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa) and taught archaeology at the universities of Southampton and Manchester (England). Read More

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